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Author Topic: Forum Rules  (Read 12205 times)

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Forum Rules
« on: March 10, 2012, 06:11:10 PM »


This Topic is locked is moderated by people who put themselves in the position of making difficult judgment calls, please respect their judgments. At we promote community respect.

Forum Rules

1 Don't make posts that are inflammatory just to wind people up.

2 Please argue against the message and not the messenger. If you do engage in heated debate then don't turn arguments into personal attacks. Personal attacks are defined as personal, racial, ethnic, and gender based insults, slurs, or derisive comments.

3 No pornographic or offensive material is to be posted on the forum. Administrator's judgment as to what is offensive or pornographic applies here.

4 Post in the correct forum. Posts posted in the wrong forum will be moved to the correct forum.

5 Respect the privacy of others. Do not post other's phone numbers, addresses, pictures, etc. without their permission.

6 Each member may have only one account.

7 Do not post swear words on the forums. Swearing will not be tolerated on this board at all, please remember that the forums can be viewed by all ages and not just by adults.

8 No spamming, spammers will have their accounts deleted immediately!

9 The language used on these forums is to be English only.

10 Threads in forums can easily veer off course from the original topic and that's fine as long as the posts have substance and the member who started the original thread has no complaints. Threads will be locked if complaints are received or if the thread has no longer any point to it.

11 Posting words in all capital letters is not permitted.

12 Forum admin has the right to ask any member to change their avatar and or signature should they feel that it is inappropriate.

13 Forum admin has the right to ask any member to change their username, should they feel that it is inappropriate, disrespectful or an attempt to impersonate another user.
14 Members are not allowed to use this site to air their grievances with any individual or business organisation.

15 Links to the illegal copying of a product such as software or music are not allowed. 

16 The selling of illegal material is prohibited on the forum as is the sale or promotion of drugs, guns and ammunition.

17 The use of the logo is only permitted with admin's consent.

18 Forum admin has the right to refuse membership of any person who is a known internet forum abuser.

19 Post bumping is not allowed

Action that admin will take upon a breach of rules

In the event of a breach of the rules, the offending post will be edited or removed.
The offending party shall receive one private warning via pm or email.
If the behavior continues and upon repeat incidents, the offending party will be banned permanently.
All complaints about members or posts need to be communicated privately using either the personal messaging system, PM, or by email to admin or moderators of

Thanks for reading and for your time, admin.    ;)
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